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Titel: | State and Development of Nuclear Energy Utilization in the Federal Republic of Germany 2015 |
Autor(en): | Bredberg, InesHutter, JohannKühn, KerstinNiedzwiedz, KatarzynaPhilippczyk, FrankThömmes, Achim |
Herausgeber: | Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) |
Sonstige Körperschaft(en): | Department of Nuclear Safety |
Erscheinungsdatum: | Jul-2016 |
Reihe(n): | BfS-SK-Berichte ; 28/16 |
Reportnummer(n): | BfS-SK-28/16 |
URN(s): | urn:nbn:de:0221-2016072114054 |
Zusammenfassung: | This report describes the use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany as at 31 December 2015. It contains the essential data of all nuclear power plants, research reactors and the facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle. At the reporting moment 31 December 2015, eight nuclear power plant units were in operation. The power generation from nuclear energy in 2015 amounted to altogether 91.8 TWh (2014: 97.1 TWh). This is a share of 14.1 % of the total gross electricity production (2014: 15.8 %).
The report summarises the essential operational results of the nuclear power plants and information on granted licences. A short description of the present state of the nuclear power plants that have been shut down or decommissioned and of the stopped projects is given. Concerning research reactors essential data on type, characteristics (thermal power, thermal neutron flux) and purpose of the facility are represented. Furthermore, an overview is given of the licensing and operation history and the present state of the operating condition. For the facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle data on purpose and capacity and output are given.Furthermore, the licensing history and the present status of operation and licensing are represented. The works on the running repository projects ERAM and Konrad and on the Asse II mine and the Gorleben mine are presented. To give a survey, the data is summarised in tabular form at the end of in the report (Annexes). The report is updated and published once a year. |
Thema / Themen: | Kerntechnik (-2016)
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