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Spotlight on “The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on biomarkers of oxidative stress in vivo and in vitro: A systematic review of experimental studies” by Meyer et al. in Environment International (2024)
Spotlight on “Impact of specific electromagnetic radiation on wakefulness in mice” by Deng et al. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024)
Spotlight on "The effect of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on cognitive performance in human experimental studies: Systematic review and meta-analyses" by Pophof et al. in Environment International (2024)
Spotlight on EMF Research : Literaturliste 2024/4 (10.2024 bis 12.2024)
Spotlight on “Red rock crab (Cancer productus) movement is not influenced by electromagnetic fields produced by a submarine power transmission cable” by Williams et al. in Continental Shelf Research (2023)