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Okt-2023 Spotlight on “Do electromagnetic fields used in telecommunications affect wild plant species? A control impact study conducted in the field” by Czerwinski et al. in Ecological Indicators (2023)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
31-Mai-2024 Spotlight on “Effect of WiFi signal exposure in utero and early life on neurodevelopment and behaviors of rats” by Wu et al. in Environmental Science and Pollution Research International (2023)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Aug-2023 Spotlight on “Effects of Heat and WiFi (2.4 GHz) Exposure on Rat Cardiovascular System” by Jafari et al. in Health Scope (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
14-Jun-2024 Spotlight on “Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) exposure on pregnancy and birth outcomes: A systematic review of experimental studies on non-human mammals” by Cordelli et al. in Environment International (2024)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2024 Spotlight on EMF Research : Literaturliste 2024/2 (08.2023 bis 05.2024)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on “Estimation method for the anisotropic electrical conductivity of in vivo human muscles and fat between 10kHz and 1MHz” by Kangasmaa and Laakso in Phys. Med. Biol. (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
31-Mai-2024 Spotlight on “Evaluation of mitochondrial stress following ultraviolet radiation and 5G radiofrequency field exposure in human skin cells” von Patrignoni et al. in Bioelectromagnetics (2023)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
14-Jun-2024 Spotlight on “Genetic profiling of rat gliomas and cardiac schwannomas from life-time radiofrequency radiation exposure study using a targeted next-generation sequencing gene panel” by Brooks et al. in PLoS One (2024)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on "Improving the Understanding of Low Frequency Magnetic Field Exposure with Augmented Reality" by Soyka and Simons in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Okt-2023 Spotlight on “In vivo genotoxicity of high-intensity intermediate frequency magnetic fields in somatic cells and germ cells” by Ohtani et al. in Journal of Radiation Research (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
31-Mai-2024 Spotlight on “Influence of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on sleep patterns in preterm neonates” by Besset et al. in International Journal of Radiation Biology (2024)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on "Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Induced Oxidative Stress in Lepidium sativum L." by Abyaneh in Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science (2018)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
20-Jun-2024 Spotlight on “Measurement studies of personal exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: A systematic review” by Ramirez-Vazquez et al. in Environmental Research (2023)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on "Radical triads, not pairs, may explain effects of hypomagnetic fields on neurogenesis" by Ramsay and Kattnig in PLoS Computational Biology (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on “The effect of 900-MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields during the adolescence on the histological structure of rat testis and its androgen and estrogen receptor localization” by Gur et al. in International Journal of Radiation Research (2021)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on "The effects of long-term prenatal exposure to 900, 1800, and 2100 MHz electromagnetic field radiation on myocardial tissue of rats" by Bozok et al. in Toxicology and Industrial Health (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on "Time course of health complaints attributed to RF-EMF exposure and predictors of electromagnetic hypersensitivity over 10 years in a prospective cohort of Dutch adults" by Traini et al. in Science of the Total Environment (2023)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Okt-2023 Spotlight on “Trends in brain cancers (glioma) in New Zealand from 1995 to 2020, with reference to mobile phone use” by Elwood et al. in Cancer Epidemiology (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
6-Mai-2024 Spotlight on “Upper bound for broadband radiofrequency field disruption of magnetic compass orientation in night-migratory songbirds” by Leberecht et al. in PNAS (2023)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Aug-2023 Spotlight on “2.45 Ghz microwave radiation induced oxidative stress: Role of inflammatory cytokines in regulating male fertility through estrogen receptor alpha in Gallus gallus domesticus” by Gupta et al. in Biophysical Research Communication (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
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