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27-Sep-2024 Spotlight on “Do electromagnetic fields from subsea power cables effect benthic elasmobranch behaviour? A risk-based approach for the Dutch Continental Shelf” by Hermans et al. in Environmental Pollution (2024)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jan-2024 Spotlight on “Effect of electromagnetic fields from renewable energy subsea power cables on righting reflex and physiological response of coastal invertebrates” by Chapman et al. in Marine Pollution Bulletin (2023)-
Jun-2023 Spotlight on “Estimation method for the anisotropic electrical conductivity of in vivo human muscles and fat between 10kHz and 1MHz” by Kangasmaa and Laakso in Phys. Med. Biol. (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on "Improving the Understanding of Low Frequency Magnetic Field Exposure with Augmented Reality" by Soyka and Simons in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on "Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Induced Oxidative Stress in Lepidium sativum L." by Abyaneh in Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science (2018)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jun-2023 Spotlight on "Radical triads, not pairs, may explain effects of hypomagnetic fields on neurogenesis" by Ramsay and Kattnig in PLoS Computational Biology (2022)Kompetenzzentrum elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF); Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Jan-2024 Spotlight on “Residential exposure to magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines and risk of childhood leukemia” by Malagoli et al. in Environmental Research (2023)-
Anzeige der Treffer 1 bis 7 von 7